I know, I know. Im on a bit of a food blogging binge at the moment. But we are making some pretty tasty treats and have a few new regular recipes that we make all the time, so am trying to get them up on the blog.
Made some tomato soup the other day... it was good.
Ingredients: (serves four)
1kg ripe cherry tomatoes (but I reckon any kind of toms are good)
4 large tomatoes
1 fresh red chili
4 cloves of garlic
1 ciabatta loaf
2 small red onions
4 tbsp balsamic vinegar
a small bunch of fresh basil
a few dollops of creme fraiche
olive oil
salt and pepper
Turn on oven to 220 celsius. Get our tomatoes and quarter the big ones. Stick on a roasting tray with the peeled and crushed cloves of garlic. Drizzle with olive oil and salt and pepper. Chop up chili and add. Toss everything around and put on top shelf of oven for 12-15 mins.
Peel and roughly chop the onions and put into a hot saucepan and some olive oil and a good pinch of salt. Leave to soften, stirring occasionally. Stir in the balsamic vinegar and leave to reduce down. Once the tomatoes are roasted and are slightly blackened on top add them to the saucepan. Give them a good mix around and leave for a few minutes to bubble away. Get your blender ready. Pour the mix into the blender (in batches if blender is not big enough to take it all at once) and add the basil. Give it a good old blend around and once finished pour back in the pan (to keep warm). Add some creme fraiche or sour cream when serving.
We also made some homemade croutons using ciabatta, which we tore up and sprinkled with salt and olive oil and popped in the oven for 10-15 mins.
Guacamole platter
We had a guacamole platter with this meal. Made us feel pretty super healthy.
1-2 fresh chilies
a handful of coriander
2 ripe avocados
2 limes
bulb of fennel
1 carrot
Destone and peel avocado. Either chuck in food processor with chilies, tomatoes, and coriander or chop finely. Then squeeze the limes over the mixture. Chop up the rest of the ingredients to use as things you can dip into the guac. MmmMmmMmm (the fennel was surprisingly good)
Taste 7/10
Price 5/10
Difficulty 3/10