Hooray! I've graduated! Finally... it took a while, the process started five years ago in California, and has finally finished in Oxford. Woohoo. The day was slightly stressful. We got there at 7am - because I hadn't booked a robe or an extra ticket. So, we wanted to be there bright and early to make sure we could get them. It all turned out great in the end, and I'm happy to report I made it across the stage and back to my seat without falling over, so all is right in the world.
With my color-coordinated parents. Was lovely that they got to make it.
Having our iconic moment afterwards.
Having lunch afterwards with friends in town.

With my 'glamorous' mom in town afterwards.
We celebrated in the states before we headed back to England, that way Mike and Stephanie could have been there (you guys should have come out, they even had a room with games for people with kids under 7 - Grace would have loved it). We went to a great fondue place and all ate way too much...
It was so good though. My favourite was the chocolate at the end!
The night was so much fun - and even ended with a big surprise! I got the most lovely graduation present that I ever could have asked for: a new MacBook Pro. Oh, it is so beautiful and I love it. Lots of friends and family pitched in to help buy it. I am so thankful to everyone that did. I think it's great - and I'm going to be using it all the time in the fall when I start commuting to London to do my masters at London School of Economics. I can hardly wait!