Girls like feeling special. Even though they say that 'the way to a man's heart is through his stomach' if the food is heart shaped I'm pretty sure it's the way to a girls as well. Last night at Bella Vita in Broadway we had three pizzas and a plate of pasta delivered all in the shape of a heart. It was the most hysterical and wonderful dining experience I think I have ever had. The staff were so insanely friendly. Calling each of us Maria and joking that they didn't have any chicken to put on the pizza, after Jackie asked if they did, and then bringing it out with the lost ingredient firmly in place. The kitchen is open so you can see all the chefs making the food and I even got the opportunity to go back and check it out (see the last photo). Not only is the atmosphere so much fun but the food is actually really good. If you're ever in East London be sure to check it out. It's my new favourite. Oh, and be sure to ask for Tony Peroni. He's the guy that will hook you up with a heart shaped pizza if your after one.

Oh Jenny Jen this is fabulous!! I've been neglecting the Team Inglis blog and this is such a great post! KICKING MYSELF I didn't join you girls. Looks like such fun. xo
Oooh they look SO delicious!! I have to admit, food is definitely a sweetener for me! Take me out to eat and buy me breakfast, lunch, dinner and I'll look at ya with such gratitude you'd think I was a homeless person who hadn't had a meal in days!! lol x-D Great post! :)
wow i have never seen anything like that heart shaped pizza before!
I had the best time ever!
Heart-shaped pizza - sooooooooooooo cute. Great blog. xx
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