Avocados: who knew? I have always detested avocados. I thought they were awful and truly detestable. In salad? No thanks. On a burger? Uh... never. But recently I've been converted. I am deeply and truly in love with avocados. I still wont eat them on my burgers, but I will tell you how I do eat them: on toasted bread. This is the recipe. One avocado, juice of half a lemon, a generous amount of chili flakes, and soy sauce. Mix and mash it all up and spread over just toasted, and still warm, bread. To. Die. For. Honest, try it. Now.

Running: It's hard to believe, I was only converted at the age of 19 when I decided I would learn how to run. I started off with 5min on a treadmill... followed by near exhaustion. But I slowly, slowly worked my way up to half an hour runs. This has been interjected with the odd hour run (this really is rare). Anyway, the point is - that today i reintroduced running into my life. With a 40min run. It honestly was great and I feel so invigorated after. I highly recommend it. Anyone who thinks they can't, just start with 5min and slowly, slowly you can work your way up. I honestly think it is the best and most natural way to get in shape (try it, and then eat an avocado afterwards)!

Macbook Pro: my new laptop. I love this laptop. This is the greatest laptop to have ever sat on my lap before. It truly is the most beautiful of all available, and the most pleasant to use. I got mine as a graduation gift from a number of different people (if you are reading this, you might even be one of them... seeing as all of 2 people actually read this blog... mom and steph, you know who you are). Thank you very much though. I love this laptop, and it is most definitely one of my favourite (and probably the most favourite in the electronic category) things at the moment... and hopefully for many more moments to come.

Now Jenny you think a almost 61 year lady can run like you.I don't think so.I just do my stepping on the Wii for 20 minutes.Now do know how many calories is in a avocadoe?I love your new laptop.Very nice and pretty.
ohhh, its a lot. almost 300 i think. they really are so good though!! haha.
I think you are right.But the fat is alot to.
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