we spent the weekend in wales celebrating easter and fred's great aunt nancy's 90th birthday. yes, that's right, 90th. this is fred's father's mother's oldest sister. got that? so the whole Inglis family (and the other branches) got together from all corners of the earth... Sweden, New York, Italy... everyone came to celebrate this joyous and most monumental occasion. we stayed at the beautiful Morgans Hotel in Swansea and enjoyed a gorgeously delicious lunch. it was such a lovely trip and we enjoyed such lovely company. thanks family inglis!

Roast beef with (massive) yorkshire pudding.
Vanilla creme brulee.
Strawberry cheesecake.
Auntie Nancy: the birthday girl herself - immaculately dressed, feisty, energetic, and so funny. By the end of the evening we were all struggling to stay awake and she didn't look phased in the slightest. Oh, if all of us can remain as positive and joyful as we grow older... she really is quite the inspiration. Happy birthday Aunt Nancy!
WOW I hope I look as AWESOME as Freddy's Aunt when I turn 90! She looks amazing! The food looks wonderful. Happy to hear that you had a nice trip. Hope to see some photo's soon! Happy Easter!
She looks so young!!! She don't look 90.I hope I look that good at 90.The food look so good.
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