so you might know that it was earth day yesterday and my birthday. what a special collaboration there... i remember that dawn (whose name i totally wanted when i was younger) from the babysitters club's birthday was also april 22nd and earth day (she was a total environmentalist: vegetarian, recycled, didn't drive... uh, even though she was like 12 in the books)... it was pretty stinking cool that i shared a birthday with her. anyway - yesterday was a perfect day. thanks so much to everyone who called, sent cards and hundred dollar bills in the mail (you know who you are) and wished me happy birthday. it really was such a special day and seriously ranks up there in the best birthdays ever. i just wanted to show you a few photos from the day... i've got more coming soon. so, kicking it off is a very excited girl sitting in university parks with a package that arrived specially for the special day.
freddy and i outside the fabulous gees (the best restaurant in oxford) after a seriously good lunch.

photo shooting it up in park town afterwards... i'm wearing some of my new birthday goodies that i got from my mama and papa (thanks mom & dad). (new bday goodies include the headband, sunglasses and dress)
gorgeous and delicious birthday cake that i got from the lovely girls i work with (i promised grace i would send her a piece in the post - since it was pink of course - whoops...). oh, and just so you know - my official nickname at work is jenny p from tennessee (said with a faux-exagerated american southern accent), hence the 'jenny p' on the cake. anyway, it seriously was a perfect day. thanks to everyone that made it so special.
What a fun blog - Loved reading through it and seeing all the lovely pictures, thanks for sharing! ;)
Thats a big box from the USA- hope there was something extra special in there. Jenny P now that is a new one- from Tenn no less. Did you tell them you are a CA girl and have been called Jenny Penny!
Wow you look very Catherine Baba with the sunglasses and headband!
Jennifer,I am LOVING you've mentioned Dawn from The babysitters club, I'd totally forgotten about that and am going to rummage through my old american tapes and now watch some babysitters club! Secondly, I'm so glad you had a great day! You must have some super lovely friends to get you such a scrumptious cake! ;)
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