Each day that I go to the train station I pass by these trees. Most days I am in a rush and on my bike so just zoom right by. But the other day I was walking by. I always notice these trees - they are coming straight out of the side walk and have increasingly been changing colours the last few weeks. I finally had the time to take their picture.

As I was taking the picture so many autumnal coloured things started passing by. Someone walked by in a bright orange jacket and this yellow cab was waiting at the stoplight. Jackets and cabs around here are normally black...
You notice all kinds of nice things when you slow down, and get off your bike.
That bike must be fast. . .I still notice everything on mine. . .like how slow everything is moving around me. :)
Slow down- that's for sure I can hardly believe it is almost Halloween - then Thanksgiving and Christmas. Where has this year gone? For sure when I walk I see everything around me. I remember last summer walking Grace and Obie and believe me what I didn't see, Miss Grace told me about it. Live is always changing and God did a wonderful job is reminding us of his love, even when we look at the trees.
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